Category Archives: About Ewen Chia

Beware Of Fake Ewen Chia Reviews

On the internet, people can say anything they want, and they have said a lot of fake stuff about me, Ewen Chia. I mean, look at what they’re writing. Read carefully. They are leveraging on my name and writing bad things so that they can attract traffic and in turn promote their own products and offers. This is quite unethical, but people still do it.

So just to give you an idea, these people writing fake reviews are using search engine optimization (SEO) techniques and targeting keywords such as “Ewen Chia scam”, “Ewen Chia Autopilot Profits”, “Autopilot Profits reviews”, “Ewen Chia reviews”, and so on.

This strategy aims to kill the competition, because the general public do not know any better and have a propensity to believe negative reviews. People are misled and will continue to believe the fake Ewen Chia reviews.

I have been a victim of these fake reviews and I still am. So how do you spot fake Ewen Chia reviews?

#1 Targeting Popular Gurus, Brands And Products
Fake reviews are often targeted at popular gurus, brands and products because they have huge traffic and search volume, ie. demand. In fact, this is the only way the strategy can be effective.

#2 Bashing One Product To Promote Another
If someone is bashing a product or products unfairly, only to recommend another “better” product that he or she is making a commission on, then it’s likely a fake review. Some of these website owners also go as far as to promote themselves as a more credible and trustworthy alternative, as the other guru or brand is seen in a bad light based on their “reviews”.

#3 Multiple Search Engine Rankings
As mentioned, the way this works is by targeting popular keywords that describe their competitors’ names and products.

They then try to rank for these multiple keywords on the search engines to get traffic. Think about it, why would another website try so hard to rank and get traffic for other people’s names and product names on the search engines? The very fact that they are doing this shows you they are using fake reviews as a strategy to make money.

The truth is that big companies like Facebook, Apple and Samsung also have their fair share of haters. People say bad things about them. They still do. But if these companies were not big brands, people may not be giving them as much attention. So the more successful a person becomes, the more they’re likely to get hate. So as a general consumer, I hope you do your due diligence and not just believe everything that is written on the internet.

Read The Truth About Ewen Chia Scam Reviews

My Personal Experience With Ewen Chia

I met Ewen Chia back in 2009 at an offline event. He was speaking at a seminar about affiliate marketing. At that time I knew absolutely nothing about internet or affiliate marketing. I was just a student in school back then. But I signed up for his coaching program because I was fascinated with the idea of making money online. And so I took the plunge. I invested a few thousand dollars in his coaching program to learn the ropes of affiliate marketing.

One Thing I Noticed About Ewen Chia

My Personal Experience With Ewen ChiaEwen Chia is a very down to earth guy. He wasn’t carrying a whole lot of bling. He was in fact very approachable. I had the chance to chat with him personally after the event. There was an air of sincerity in him which I liked. He didn’t appear or arrogant. He didn’t act as though he knew it all. He was really very humble. It was almost as if he did not want the limelight, or as though he did not want to speak on a platform. Granted, yes, he is a speaker, and he sells his coaching program at offline seminars and events. But I could see that he genuinely wanted to help people. He wasn’t one who was in the industry just to make money from other people. And that is quite a rarity in the speaking industry.

Ewen Shares Way Too Much

I was really very surprised at how much he shared at the offline seminar that I went for before I signed up for his coaching program. It was a free seminar too. Why would he be sharing things that should not be said in public, and at a free event? That was crazy! I guess he really wanted to give tremendous value to the people who were attending it. What I learnt at his coaching program was even crazier. He has a wealth of knowledge and he does not hesitate in sharing that with his students. I learnt a whole lot from sitting under his mentorship. In fact, I learnt so much, I needed a lot of time to digest it. He is not stingy.

So What Exactly Is His Coaching Program?

At that time, his coaching program was a 2 full day workshop where we would learn the ropes of affiliate marketing and how anyone can make money online without selling any products. I’m not about to give you any spoilers, but what I will say is, it was well worth my investment. In fact, he gave tremendous value, the amount I paid is nothing compared to the amount of value I got from the coaching program. If I had to review his coaching program, I would say it’s well worth the money you pay.

What He Teaches Really Works

Knowledge is nothing if you do not take action, so the following week, I reviewed what I had learnt during the workshop and took massive action. Took a bit of time, but after consistent action taking and perseverance, I finally got my first sale! And then I repeated the process and made another one, and another one, and another one!

Life Wasn’t Always A Bed Of Roses

My journey in internet marketing wasn’t always a smooth one, and very often I would encounter some difficulty here and there. I made lots of mistakes too. But I learnt from them. I was keeping in touch with Ewen Chia’s support team via email, and sometimes over the phone. I would ask them lots of questions. I was dead serious about making my business a success for the long haul. And once in a while I would also thank them for their continual mentorship and support, even showing them screenshots of sales I generated.

Fast Forward To 2018

Today I am very thankful for what I learnt from Ewen Chia. It’s not something I would have learnt in school. Ewen and his team have been really great mentors. Ewen isn’t a scammer or one of those so-called gurus that come and go. He’s been around since 2007 and he’s still going strong. While this post isn’t meant to be a review, I hope you have a better idea of who he really is. I’ve had the privilege of getting to know him personally, and I hope you will get the same opportunity I had too.